Как скачать фаил с сайта? Скачать готовую сборку аддонов 5.3 для ДД без регистрации! - ДД - Готовые сборки Mists of Pandaria 5.3 - Файлы - скачать WoW аддоны, патчи, читы, сервера, боты, баги.
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Скачать готовую сборку аддонов 5.3 для ДД без регистрации! 5.3
18.07.2013, 12:52


A sleek looking, minimalist, all purpose Rogue UI. 

Everything is set to track buffs/debuffs/procs/CD times in PvE and should require next to no setup.

Although this is set up to be Rogue specific, you can simply use any character class.

For PvP target defensive cooldowns are tracked via Weakauras, and personal CC abilities via icons above nameplates.

Let me know if you have any questions.


The person who downloads this has to unpack everything using an application which can unzip folders (Winzip, etc.), and then put all the folders in his / her World of Warcraft folder. 

Copy your current WTF/Interface folders to your desktop to back them up before installing.

You then place the downloaded WTF/Interface folders into your Wow directory in their place.

When you download this, edit the folders to rename them from the generic "Account Name", "Server", "Character" to your actual accountname - the same goes for the server- and characternames. Do this first, before you even load up the game. Otherwise, the settings for everything will not take, and you may have to do it over to get everything working properly.

Upon entering game, make sure all addons are enabled! Make sure "Load out of date Addons" is checked!!!

Once loaded with all addons enabled, you will get a pop-up asking if you want to install BlkUI. Choose "Yes", and you should be pretty much good to go.

If any profiles for specific addons have issue loading, you may choose the Blk_UI profile for said addon.

You can then copy your bindings-cache.wtf and macros-cache.txt in from your backed up desktop folders, and keep your previous macros/keybindings.

Don't update Sharedmedia or Sharedmedia: Additional Fonts, as they it will overwrite the in-game font settings.

Addons Included:

Aurora, Bagnon, Bartender, Gnosis, Raven, Fonter, VuhDo, HideBossFrame, HideRaidFrame, Stuf Unit Frames, Reflux, SharedMedia, WeakAuras, Phanxchat, SexyMap, Skada, KgPanels, Tidyplates, Tiptac, DBM, HideBlizzardRaidFrame, Rogue Spam Reborn.

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